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My black baby-boy is hot

When my baby is a cute black boy

With this post we enhance the the beauty of black men.  Most of them are Afro-Americans and they have all well fitted bodies.

Till recent years homosexuality was quite a taboo in the black communities, even in the US. But the Obama period, which propelled an African-American to the highest responsibilities in the country, also allowed an easier coming-out of the gay black people in their  community. Their sexual preference is less and less an issue.


My black cute boyfriend


We have included in this post a start to the story of Ryan Russell, the former Cowboy Dallas football player who recently came out. We will soon offer you a full post on this touching story that Russell and his partner have shown well on social networks, Instagram in particular.

My black cute boyfriend
My black cute boyfriend
My black cute boyfriend
My black cute boyfriend
My black cute boyfriend

To be updated when a new post is released : Click the button below 🙂

My black cute boyfriend
My black cute boyfriend
My black cute boyfriend
My black cute boyfriend
My black cute boyfriend
My black cute boyfriend

When a famous NFL ex -player is coming out

 Ryan Russell who is a former Dallas Cowboys pass rusher just announced he’s bisexual …  he made the following statement for revealing his sexual identity :

“My truth is that I’m a talented football player, a damn good writer, a loving son, an overbearing brother, a caring friend, a loyal lover, and a bisexual man.”

We will publish soon a post dedicated to Ryan Russell and his boyfriend Corey O’Brien. To be updated when this post will be released, stay tuned  by subscribing to Gay side of life : SUBSCRIBE!

My black cute boyfriend
My black cute boyfriend

8 thoughts on “My black baby-boy is hot”

  1. Black men make being gay even better. Especially if like me, you are a submissive. Black men for the most part are just so much more masculine than other races. At least to me they are. That may be just how I feel, but so be it. Rather you believe that to true or not, you have to admit, black men just make things more exciting.
    Would love to see much more

    1. We take your point at Gay side of life si we have planned to feature more Black men in the next posts.
      Thanks for your comments

      Gay side of life Webmaster

  2. My name is Dwayne Earles and I love black guys I am Indian and I love white guys and black guys they have longer penis and I know how to work it to get him to cum in my mouth make him feel so good I am really good at it

  3. well done. it’s about time we start to recognize all colors of true homosexual lifes. let’s try to continue moving ahead. no matter what others say or think. we keep sticking together. we can, & will achieve more. then trying to be alone, or ashamed of what we are. always live your life to the fullest only YOU can do. for yourself. no one else.

    1. Charles Jackson

      Loved the photos. Some really gorgeous men! But, when Cedar wrrote: :Till recent years homosexuality was quite a taboo in the black communities, even in the US. ” Really? I’ve been gay for 65 years and have had plenty of African American boyfriends and lovers. It’s called “on the down low”. No, I don’t think the black community in the U.S. has been as harsh as you make it sound. In fact, I think it’s very open.

      1. Hey Charles,
        Thank you for your comment, and we are pleased that you appreciate our photos. When we mention that homosexuality was quite a taboo in the black community, we don’t mean that it does not exist and you are the proof that they are many and that they were able to live happily with their difference. But generally speaking the black community was until recent time e bit reluctant to recognise and celebrate this diversity. Here is an article of TIME magazine written by a gay black men in 2014 which is a testimony Black Gay Men Are Still Invisible, but we recognise that since then we have moved on…

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