Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania

A man, a country : Radu, Romania

Radu Ionut swimmer and model from Romania

With a man, a country, we take you to discover Rado Ionut and Romania. So let us introduce you to this 20-year-old Romanian who is at the same time an athlete, a fitness trainer and a model. 

Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania

We will focus on this last feature for this post. We find out that Radu is a professional swimmer who is part of the Romanian national swimming team. One consequence is that he has a magnificent athletic physique of 1.88 m or 6’2 “. It is thanks to this and to his natural charm that he has been enthusiastically adopted by the industry. fashion. He has already appeared on fashion shows in renowned men’s fashion capitals. He has been photographed by big names in fashion photography like Bruce Weber. It’s time to explore this splendid Romanian.

Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania

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Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania
Swimmer and model Radu Ionut_Romania
Radu Ionut, model and athlete from Romania

7 thoughts on “A man, a country : Radu, Romania”

  1. His look is remarkable! Total run way material. He come’s across as masculine and not wimpy. Excellent jaw line! Those eyes! They are capturing!
    This kid looks good dressed in anything. He can go short or long hair. His long hair is a grad trade mark for his total body look. Nice job Radu!

  2. His lips are far to big and blowsy. Has he had them (over) filled? Maybe it’s just the current ridiculous, fashionable exagerated pout. Nice body, but its a shame about the boat race. Not exactly the best looker in the world, is he?

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